

Crotona International HS Internship Program, Montefiore Einstein Cancer U
Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center

In the spring of 2024, I was selected from Crotona International High School in the Bronx for a pilot internship initiative through Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center's (MECCC) Cancer Research Training and Education Coordination Program. The purpose of this internship was to learn about the world of work and get an idea and experience outside of school what a professional workplace is like. It gave me the chance to view real-world situations and experiences from a whole different perspective. It helped me to understand the value of smart work, teamwork, time management, efficiency and communication, budget management, and more. It showed me the ways an organization can manage itself with those capabilities and characteristics for all of them to work collaboratively. I learned the importance that management and communication are always going to be the key for everything to run correctly in a workspace.
Spring 2024
Diego Rodriguez
This item is shared by Diego J Rodríguez with the World.
Created on 2024-05-15 at 15:13 and last updated on 2024-05-15 at 15:31.