

Montefiore Albert Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center
US History
Internship Connection with Social Mobility

I also got the opportunity to interact with the administrative team while I was employed at MECCC. We discussed our experiences and lifestyles, and as a result, I was able to recognize the dilemma I was dealing with in my GWPP project: “Work Hard or Smart: Enroute to Social Mobility”, which basically is to define which path will end in a higher social status, if pursue a college degree after high school, or take any job that will help you pay your bills. Every individual I worked with at MECCC held a college degree; some had PhDs, others had bachelor's degrees, and some had master's degrees. They all attained higher education to some extent.As the days went by and I got to know the team, I was able to compare people's lifestyles with their educational levels and saw how much of an influence people's educational attainment can have on their lives. Additionally, I conducted a survey while I was an intern at MECCC in order to gather data for my algebra class. The results of the survey confirmed for me once more that having more education guarantees you a greater social position.
Bronx, NY
Spring 2024
Arianna Feliz
This item is shared by Arianna Y Feliz with the Community and the World.
Created on 2024-05-22 at 14:27 and last updated on 2024-05-22 at 14:35.