

towards the light lore (my game)
Towards the Light, my game.
i'm making a game, here's the lore to it.

in a magic world there's a small kingdom without a name.
in that kingdom there's a king desperate to live forever, to achieve his goal he hires the best scientist of those days.
the scientist tries to a make potion of life but deep inside he knows that that's impossible. every week he creates a new potion that they have to test on people to see if it works but sadly almost every time they end up with another dead person, and to get rid of bodies they take them to the local abandoned cave. they just throw them out and leave.
but one time, a group that used to do this didn't come back, so the king sends a random villager there to see if he'll survive.

the game begins.

as soon as you get thrown there you loose consciousness. when you wake up you see an angel(?) in front of you, he has no halo. that's a little weird but looks like you have no other choice but to trust him.
he tells you that he came here to help you, "but i will be able to help you only if i'll see that you're worth saving. Kill the demon and i'll think about it."
he shows you a little bit about fighting and tells you that you're on your own now.
you go and explore this cave, you wonder around and you see a sign, it shows where different villages are, you find it weird because you're in a cave, "how come there's villages? and why do they have such weird names?"
there's a tiki town and a skeleton kingdom.
you decide to go to the skeletons because it's closer, but on the way to them you see a pile of weird looking rocks, when you get closer to them they transform into a rock golem, it looks angry.
you're weaponless so you try to run away from it, looks like it spared you(?) and went back to sleep.
when you got closer to the skeleton kingdom you see actual skeletons, you freak out but the guards tell you that they don't want to kill you, and that they're now monsters.
you go further and see that they're just like normal people but happier and without skin, flesh, or guts. here's one growing plants, there's other's playing music, and here's one with a ton of cats. "what a nice place" you think to yourself.
you ask for help from a random skeleton, and he tells you that "if you need help you should go to the stone keeper, he's in the main castle." he points at a castle that looks just like your kings one. you go there and ask for help, "help, help, i need to kill a demon!" you're saying as you see someone that looks important.
he tells you that he'll help you if you'll help him, (classic rpg thing) and that if you're helping the angel then you should know something before helping him.
"angel without a halo isn't who you think he is, it all started a long time ago, he used to be a normal angel from heaven but he stole one artifact from gods, he stole stone of afterlife, when gods found out about that they sent him to the world of alive and took his halo, with one and only way to get back to the heaven, gods told him that he has to kill a demon to get back to them. he's not helping you, you're helping him, he won't help you get back to your love ones, he'll just toss you aside as soon as you'll help him kill the demon"
now when you know this you decide to catch an angel by helping demons, "make a trap" but before that you gotta get ready, do some quests and help some people, just because fuck you, this is an rpg, not some visual novel!
you help some skeletons, kill slimes, feed cats, get weapons and some more, in one of quests you go pretty far away from skeleton kingdom, you see a tiki town, and you start thinking about the fact that they can help you too, you go back to the skeletons and ask them about the tiki town.
"oh boy, you don't want to join them, they're monsters that eat babies, modify people's bodies, and make scary potions that make them stronger for a day and then kill you. we're actually in a war with them, so you shouldn't even get close to them."
so you just try to avoid them.
another time you see a rock golem again, he's sleeping, but you have to get past him, as soon as you take another step it wakes up and runs towards you, luckily you're ready this time, you have some weapons with you and you know how to fight, so it rushes into you, you dodge that and it hits his head into a pile of rocks, you fight, yada yada yada, and it looks like he looses, it raises its hands up like he's giving up.
"wait, it can think?" he gets down and writes on the ground "dont kil mi, im giving up, kil the mage, he make me lik thes"
you have a choice to spare or kill it, so let's spare it, because we're not monsters.
then you help skeletons some more, meanwhile thinking about the mage.
you decide to ask someone about him and about the rock golem.
looks like no one wants to talk about them, when you cross upon a group of skeletons that sing all the time, you ask them about the rock golem and a mage, they say "nothing these days is free, mr flesh"
you give them a golden coin and they sing about them, in that song they tell that there's a mage that takes souls from people and put them into random objects. they call him "soul mage"
you decide that he can be helpful, and he can help you get out from the cave.
you go on a small journey to find him, you wonder around looking for clues on where he can be, you see more alive objects near the tiki town, you decide to risk it at you go there.
green monsters with wooden masks and leather clothes, small tents made out of wood, dirt, and leather. one giant tent in the very back of the village, giant pot with weird potion, and goblins that look very old.
seems like you're surrounded, they lead you to the big tent.
Old Giant Goblin with a giant wooden tiki mask is the first thing you see when you come inside the giant tent, looks like it can speak.
"ha ha, what a small human, i won't even be full. at least you're alive."
giant goblin gets ready to eat you, you take out you sword and a mega super duper hella epic boss battle begins, when you win it begs you to spare it.
you ask it about the soul mage, it tells you that he's in the below, in the ice cave, it points at a weird looking tent, you take your stuff and to to the tent, cold air surrounding it.
stairs it the below, cold and dark, looks like it goes a hundred meters down, but it's only an illusion. it gets colder and colder as you go.
when you get down you see more of tiki village, only difference is ice, they're using ice as a way to transport stuff.
it's so cold down here. you see a goblin selling clothes, you take about 20 gold coins and buy yourself some warm clothes.
as you leave the village you see ice, a lot of ice, but when you look around you see crystals, giant crystal forest, you looks around a little more, are those mushrooms?
you think that the soul mage would prefer crystals over mushrooms, so you go there.
"holly crap, these crystals are huge!" you say as you get closer.
looks like it's a nice place, gold coins laying around, cool swords and armor. you go by while collecting treasures, as you hear growling, like a hundred human souls dying at the same time.
you take out your sword as you see a giant crystal spier coming at you while crushing crystals on it's way. it's way to big for you to fight, you're trying to run away as you leave crystal forest. looks like the crystal spider is not trying to kill you anymore(?)
you decide to go to the mushrooms, you feel like this is a bad idea but looks like you don't have any other choice. you start hearing things as you get closer to the mushrooms, "gosh, why is everything here so big?" you think to yourself. giant mushrooms around you make you feel really weird, like you're tiny bug wondering around for food, the only difference would be that you're trying to find soul mage and not food.
looks like someone's coming at you, "is that a person?" you think to yourself as something in human armor comes closer.
looks like it used to be a person, but for some reason it looks like a rotten pile of meat and mushrooms.
mushrooms took his body and now it controls it. it's bad at controlling human body so you easily defeat it.

sadly so far i don't have idea for the next part but i can share other parts and concepts of the game with you.

i wanna add a third level, something like hell with a biome called the void, let's say that we're in there.

you make your first step into the void, when you feel fear, you have never been so scared in your life, you don't understand why you're scared but you are. you make another step and now you're in.
a little candle lights up close to you, all you can see is a little bit of light from that candle. you look around, pure darkness. you see another candle light up, you come close to it when another candle lights up, it's like something is making you a path.
you come from candle to candle as you start to feel like you're not alone, you go further with the candles, as you start to feel like someone is watching you, you looks around and you see a pair of white eyes staring at you. now you're even more scared, you decide to go further because it's not trying to attack you, as candles behind start to burn out and more white eyes appear.
one candle is a little bit further than others, you ignore that and you go straight to it as one of the creatures of the void tries to attack you, it can attack. you if you're not in the light. it misses so you just try to go further but it looks like candles get only further and further away, you're trying to run from one to another as you go. "is this the end" you think to yourself as you see the light in the end, the problem is that the candles don't appear anymore, you get a flashback of a legend you heard "as it gets dark go Towards The Light." you rush at the light source and the game ends, yes on that much of a nervous moment, i made it like that because why tf no lol.
but don't worry, there's a lot of other endings, but i'm to lazy to write about them rn so yeah, see you.
New York City.
july 15 2024
Stepan Mikhailov AKA Lleman.
my mind.
This item is shared by stepan M with the World.
Created on 2024-07-15 at 14:23 and last updated on 2024-07-24 at 13:12.