

Period 6 working on The Glass Files
Academics and Education
Smiles from Period 6 / Mr. Lee's Government and Economics Class

On a cold sunny day, a group of scholars got together in period 6 to take a group picture that immortalizes this moment.

The class is taught by the best teacher in the school, Alvin Lee.

The door of opportunity was opened to work with The Glass Files to document and preserve our own history, to be shared with the DRIHSCS family.
DRIHSCS, 800 Home Street, Bronx, NY, 10456
December 7th, 2017
photo by Sarah Poyet, story by Period 6
Sarah's iPod touch
This item is shared by Richard Izquierdo with the Community and the World.
Created on 2017-12-07 at 18:35 and last updated on 2018-08-20 at 05:52.