

My 103 year old Great-Grandfather and I

My die hard Yankee fan, 103 year old great grandfather, Geraldo Velez (pictured on the left), is someone I definitely consider him one the most important people in my family because together he and my great grandmother had 11 kids, creating the generations that exist in our family tree today. He came to New York when he was 58 years old leaving the life/family he had always known, behind in order to create a better life for him and his children. Some might not understand why he chose to create this better life so far down the road but that’s one of the reasons why I respect him so much. He spent majority of his life poor, working hard, with zero education, and raising 13 kids with just him and my great grandmother yet he didn’t let the fact that he was accustomed to his lifestyle or that he was half a century old stop him from paving a better future for him and his kids. I also admire him for being such a wonderful man to my great grandmother whom he stood with from a very young age until death literally did them part. Geraldo, is a man of courage, hard work, and loyalty which is why I chose to write about him for Glass Files.
Manhattan, NY
October 2017
Marieely Morales
This item is shared by Marieely Y Morales with the Community and the World.
Created on 2017-12-19 at 07:37 and last updated on 2018-08-20 at 05:54.