

Special thanks to the mayor for giving this opportunity to us to meet UBS
Thanks to the mayor
Trip to UBS

I just want to say thank you mayor for giving us this opportunity to meet with these amazing people! The conversations that I had with these employees really changed my perspective on success and how I can achieve that in a positive way. Although I could not remember their names I still remember the faces that took the time to 'mingle' with us in a sense to help us prosper. So once again I just wanted to say thank you to the mayor for giving us this life changing opportunity! I also want to thank UBS for giving me and the other Metabronx apprentices the opportunity to ask questions to the UBS people.
1285 6th Ave, New York, NY 10019
Edward Yeboah
Jon Mannion, Photo by Alondra
This item is shared by Edward Yeboah with the Community and the World.
Created on 2018-07-30 at 17:52 and last updated on 2018-08-20 at 06:04.