COVID-19 Crisis in the U.S
The Article U.S. Tops 100,000 Coronavirus Cases, Testing Kits, Equipment Still In Short Supply.We can understand more about the situation that the United States is going through, how the corona virus is affecting how many are affected and how many deaths in total this has impacted the country quite a bit because,The United States is the nation with the mayor number of diagnoses of covid-19, At first China was the country with the most numbers of covid-19 infected, the second was Italy and third was the United States but now things have changed states united right now is the country with the highest number of infected and deaths as we can see in the article on THE CORONAVIRUS CRISIS written and done by Miss Vannessa Romo she makes clear what I am saying that the United States surpassed China and Italy says worrying milestone "Occurs one day after the number of infections in the US USA It rose above Italy and China, where the virus was first detected. "This shows that the United States honestly think I did not take quick action as an example immediately in the first case of the coronavirus they were able to close the country. and went in but they did not do that at the wrong time they did it when the situation was already out of control, I think if we had taken the correct measures quickly this situation would not be like this now, those affected in this service are the whole country right now The economy of the United States is not the same as always. It is really bad since the government is "Helping the community as they can. In truth, this is something difficult for everything for these reasons." The data from Johns Hopkins University, which has been tracking the global spread of the disease, which have 101,657 people diagnosed in the US as of Friday night. More than 1,560 people are not dead. "Everyone is afraid to make someone out of fear that they have this virus. Almost andie comes out. This has made a very big change in everyone's life. and that the United states can get ahead.