The Covid-19 is a virus that started in 2020, in which it became dominant all around the world getting a lot of people sick because we were not prepared due to the way the information was passed out as a rumor or a myth. If a lot of people around the world were informed well the virus would have suppressed due to our prevention.
But the Pandemic is still active and there is a preventive measure and in case you already got sick. At this time their a lot of fear and this fear could cause any other thing, like misinformation of a cure and what the covid-19 does. According to Kim Woo-Ju who is an expert on infectious disease and from the Korean University Of Medicine, that the covid-19 is challenging and also gives good information to society about what lead to the covid-19.
In ways to prevent yourself from the virus, one major way is to sustain yourself from people who have the virus according to Dr. David Price. Sustain which thereby means that you should be 6 feet apart from each other, no physical contact, no mouth to mouth direct breathing. The use of a medical face mask could help in order to communicate in public. And also according to Dr. David Price is that we all should become a "Hand Nazi", which means that everything we touch before using our hands should wash it with soap and water.
Covid-19 is a virus that becomes very active when it in a human cell, so we should try our best in order for it to suppress and fade away. But this has to be done by everyone. If by any chance a person gets the virus, in this case, if you are a third person you should be as far as possible from the person but still visible and way your hand then call the authorities. But if you are the first person in which you are the one with the virus you should isolate yourself and also wash your hand, wear a mask. Try also to contact the authorities to help. One person can not suppress the covid-19 but all of us can.